Mobile app development & maintenance

What are The Different Types of App Maintenance Costs?

15 Mar, 2023

What are The Different Types of App Maintenance Costs?

Mobile apps are indispensable in the world today. Studies reveal that by 2025, the number of mobile devices and smartphone users is expected to reach over 311 million, which provides a tremendous opportunity for app developers. However, simply building and launching an app isn’t enough. Even the best mobile developers can only iron out some of the bugs before the app launch. Apps require much maintenance work to uphold their quality standard, and trusted mobile app development services in Australia can ensure it.

Thus, app maintenance becomes one of the most critical phase of the entire mobile app development lifecycle. Therefore, it is essential that you set aside a separate budget for app maintenance. Furthermore, a robust app needs a solid maintenance plan similar to maintaining our electronic devices. Therefore, monitoring the performance and ensuring that users get upgrades regularly is necessary.

What is meant by mobile app maintenance?

App maintenance is the continuous process of updating, improving and adjusting the software application. The upkeep and care of an already published application are accomplished through mobile app updates. No matter how well-liked your software is among users, it will always need maintenance, such as bug fixes, error fixes, upgrades, updates, device compatibility, etc. It is necessary since you want your application to be updated and more competitive in the market than newly released apps.

Factors to calculate the costs of mobile app maintenance

You might have a lot of apps on your phone. Are those apps in the same category? No. Mobile apps come in diverse sizes, operating systems, shapes, varieties, functionalities, and many components constituting them. There are abundant elements in play, each impacting the maintenance cost.

You can calculate the yearly average app maintenance cost at 15% to 20% of the total development expenses invested in building a mobile app. Talk to different mobile app development consulting companies and find out their take on this vital aspect.

Mobile App Development Consulting Companies

Three main factors that affect the app maintenance cost include:

  • Complexity
  • Designs
  • Development Team

Besides these, there are other hidden updating costs which is a different ball game.

Different types of app maintenance costs

Emergency Maintenance

There could be an emergency, which might include—sudden, unpredictable, and unexpected issues or errors. In such scenarios, you must address the concerns immediately, offering a seamless app experience.

Perfective Maintenance

With trending mobile app features and functionalities, you will likely find new or changed user requirements. Therefore, it would make sense to take feedback into account proactively and take care of functional modifications necessary in the source code, offering a perfect user experience. Reliable mobile app development services in Australia always ensure it.

Adaptive Maintenance

With adaptive maintenance, you must keep track of the changes in the application to keep it updated. You may also need to make modifications in a working environment like the operating system, software or hardware that could impact the application’s operation.

Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance signifies the intervention or eradication of the occurrence of errors. Therefore, the focus is on minimizing the complexity of the application and enhancing the maintainability factor through code optimization, code restructuring, and documentation updating.

Corrective Maintenance

You can take care of the app repairs, faults, and defects in the application functions with corrective maintenance. Maintenance also includes design, coding, and application logic errors.

As business owners, you’d need to plan for various app maintenance costs.

If you’re an app owner, who needs help with budgeting and maintaining your mobile apps, get in touch with us at Digital SFTWare.